Apache CXF has another book!

Just a week or so after the first book for Apache CXF was released, a second book now appears. Developing Web Services with Apache CXF and Axis2 (3rd Edition) is an update to Kent Ka Iok Tong’s book about Axis2, but it now covers CXF as well.

Being on holidays, I haven’t had time to look much at it (I’m only 1/4 of the way through the first book), but a quick glance through provided me a nice surprise. I kind of expected that it would be geared more toward Axis2 (since it’s an 3rd edition of the Axis2 book) with small “Now here’s how you do the same thing with CXF” type sections. However, it looks to be completely the oppossite. The initial examples and screen shots and stuff in the text is using CXF and JAX-WS stuff and then a small “Now here’s how you do the same thing with Axis2 section.”

Anyway, after the holidays, I hope to review both books in more detail.

One thought on “Apache CXF has another book!

  1. Hello Dan ,we need to get started with CXF, which book do you suggest , our project would use ajax, rest and jax-ws, pls advice.

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