Talend joins the JCP

One of the important differentiators between Apache CXF and some of it’s competitors has been it’s support for standards, both “on the wire” standards like SOAP and API standards like JAX-WS and JAX-RS. When Apache resigned from the JCP last year, there was a lot of concern about whether CXF would be able to continue to be involved with the defining and implementing the standards. As an Apache member, I fully support the actions that Apache took as there really wasn’t a good alternative. However, it did leave a gap in some of the projects abilities to participate in the specifications.

I’m happy to announce that Talend has joined the JCP to allow some of our contributors like myself and Sergey to continue being involved and help shape the future of the standards that CXF implements. The immediate benefit is that Sergey can jump into the JAX-RS 2.0 discussions and help make sure that JAX-RS 2.0 can meet the needs of CXF users. The combination of the JAX-WS and JAX-RS programming models in CXF is a great combination of technologies and making sure the CXF users needs are well represented is important.

For a more complete discussion of Talends thoughts, see Fabrice’s blog entry on Talends site. From my standpoint, the most important piece to understand is that this shows Talend is not just committed to supporting CXF and the other Apache projects we are involved in, but also in investing in making sure the projects continue to innovate and move forward to solve users needs and problems. That is one of the unique points that makes Talend special.

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