Talend welcomes Glen Mazza…

I kind of feel bad about not blogging this earlier in the week, but it’s been one of those weeks…

On Monday, Glen Mazza officially started at Talend. For those of you that are not familiar with him, Glen has been a long time commiter to Apache CXF getting started with CXF while it was still in the incubator. On CXF, he’s probably best known for reviewing the code and changes and such and fixing all the typos he found and enhancing the error messages and javadoc and such. While not a strict “feature contribution”, these types of changes have been invaluable in making CXF more pleasant to use.

However, he is a software engineer so he’s also contributed to CXF in other areas. He’s done a bit of work in the WS-Security stuff, especially in the area of creating test cases and identifying deficiencies and bugs. He’s also done quite a bit of testing with CXF and other WS-Security implementations (mostly Metro) to find interopability issues and has worked to get them resolved.

That all said, he’s probalby BEST known for the examples and walk throughs that he has done on his blog: http://www.jroller.com/gmazza/ His examples on his blog have been a great starting point for MANY CXF users as they start using CXF. When people ask for a getting starting tutorial or sample, many people point them off to his blog. His blog also tends to collect links to other interesting web pages and blogs and such related to Web Services. Definitely a great place to look for information.

Anyway, I just wanted to say “Welcome Aboard!” to Glen and I definitely look forward to working with him to make CXF better and make Talends products better.

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