RedHat/JBoss to support CXF

This has definitely been an exciting couple of weeks for Apache CXF. First, we finally got 2.2 out the door which significantly increases interopability with WCF and others, especially in regards to WS-Security type things, as well as some initial JAX-RS 1.0 API’s. While that was being voted on, we FINALLY got access to the […]

JOnAS J2EE app server certifies with CXF

Last week, the JOnAS team announced their latest 5.1 milestone release, M5. What is most exciting about this is that this version passes the entire J2EE5 certification suite. Part of the J2EE5 suite requires a JAX-WS stack. What stack did they choose? Apache CXF. I’m pretty excited about this. JOnAS marks the third J2EE app […]

Apache CXF 2.2 released….

Finally managed to Apache CXF 2.2 out the door. Definitely took a bit longer than expected, mostly cause I COMPLETELY underestimated what a PAIN doing security stuff is. Normally when working with WebServices, if something goes wrong, it’s very easy to use Wireshark or similar to grab the SOAP message and examine it to see […]

Streaming media server finally setup…..

Having a two year old, I’ve discovered that the DVR quickly gets filled with things like Backyardigans episodes and Diego episodes and such and that doesn’t leave room for the important things like football. At one point, the solution was to get all the episodes on DVD, which we did. However, DVD’s in the US […]

Hard drive failure….

Well, the hard drive in my 5 month old MacBook Pro started developing bad sectors this week. On Tuesday, I tried to reboot and it pretty much refused to come up. Neither Linux nor OSX would boot up. The OSX fsck reported unrepairable volume corruption. A badblocks disk scan from linux revealed several bad blocks. […]