Short lived title….

Well, my “Distinguished Engineer” title was certainly short lived. With the acquisition of IONA by Progress, my title again changes. My new title is “Software Fellow”. Good thing I didn’t get new business cards printed. 🙂

Promoted to Distinguished Engineer

While on vacation, it was officially announce at IONA that I’ve been promoted from Principal Engineer to Distinguished Engineer. (I figured my inbox would be flooded just from normal traffic while away. Add MANY “congrats” messages and I’m totally swamped.) This is a very big accomplishment. For folks not at IONA, Principal Engineer is basically […]

Vacations are very different now…..

This past week, my wife and I took our kids (Ryan, 2.2 years old, and Nathan, 11 weeks old) on a 5 day vacation to North Conway, New Hampshire. This is the first vacation that we’ve been on that didn’t involve visiting family since Ryan was born. Wow. Vacations are VERY different now. Forget about […]

Back to Linux

While in the office yesterday (for the first time in almos a month), a couple people noticed I was running KDE/Linux on my MacBook Pro. Yep. I’ll admit it. I’ve given up on OSX and am back using Linux. I feel I gave OSX a pretty fair trial. I used it exclusively for 3 full […]

Kulp Micro Edition 2.0 Ships!

Kulp Technologies is proud to announce the immediate availability of Kulp Micro Edition 2.0. This release builds on the success of the previous version to provide enhancements to the popular features: Ability to produce a wide variety of stinky, smelly fluids and excrement. A high pitched wail, expected to occur for about 4-5 hours a […]